Canary Islands Culture: La Noche de Finaos (not Halloween!)

Canary Islands Culture:
La Noche de Finaos

Baile de Magos Canary Islands

What is La Noche de Finaos?

Over the last few years, the Canary Islands have begun to breathe life back into an age-old tradition that somehow faded away over the years.

La Noche de Finaos

La Noche de Finaos is a Canarian custom traditionally celebrated on the 31st of October – the eve of All Saint’s Day (which is celebrated in dozens of countries on 1st November).

Like All Saint´s Day, La Noche de Finaos is a time to commemorate those who´ve gone on before us by remembering old stories, spending time with family and sharing in  nostalgia for those we´ve lost.

Finado: deceased; passed away.
Finao abbreviation of “finado” (dropping the d as is typical here in the islands and much of Spain).

La Noche de Finaos:
Dusting Off an Old Tradition

La Noche de Finaos Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
La Noche de Finaos Parque San Telmo.

Thanks to a few scattered towns who in recent years have begun to dust off Finaos traditions, La Noche de Finaos is just barely beginning to come back to life for many. In fact, last year when I asked my younger students if they would be celebrating Finaos with their families, they didn´t know what I was talking about.

That was enough to spark my curiosity. So last autumn, I made it my mission to uncover everything I could about this local holiday, and thanks to my Canario friends, colleagues and students, here´s what I´ve found.

person selling chestnuts
Photo by Francesco Paggiaro on

Go Nuts 🌰
What to eat on la Noche de Finaos

Gastronomically, nuts are the protagonists of the night.

If you find yourself in a town that celebrates La Noche de Finaos, follow the rich, smoky scent to the open fire and be sure to pick up a cone of freshly roasted chestnuts and blackened corn on the cob. Chestnuts are without a doubt the star of the show, but you’ll also find plenty of sweets made with seasonal, local ingredients like walnuts, almonds, figs and apples.

If you´re lucky enough to be invited to celebrate with a family, you may get to enjoy more elaborate treats like fig and almond cheese, cactus fruit stuffed with almonds, and frangolloa Canarian specialty of millet, raisin and almond pudding.

And obvio, there will be no shortage of typical Canarian tipple to quench your thirst. Most of the locals will be sipping on Canarian sweet wine, anise liqueur and ron miel (honey rum) to ¨keep warm¨ on the ¨chilly¨ (21°C/70°F) autumn evening.

Who Runs Finaos? Girls!

As in mainland Spain’s All Saint’s Day commemorations, the family matriarch is typically the one who takes charge of remembering the family´s finaos.

The grandmother (or eldest female in the family) is charged with bringing the family together, sharing anecdotes about loved ones who´ve passed, and preparing the early evening snack, or merienda, obviously featuring chestnuts.


¿Hay Santos?
Seeking Saints on Finaos

In one tradition, youngsters visit neighbors asking if there are saints in the house (¿hay santos?) and the neighbors drop a handfull of figs, almonds, walnuts or chestnuts in a bag. It’s like trick or treating with a protein punch instead of a sugar high.

El Baile de los Finaos

As evening becomes night, El Baile de los Finaos begins, filing the street with music and dancing. The musicians strum the rich melodies of malagueñas and Ranchos de Ánimas – Canarian folk songs dedicated in honor of deceased loved ones, particularly bringing to life the  love for a mother that has passed away.

In Gran Canaria, Teror, Valsequillo and San Nicolas de la Aldea are best known for their ranchos de ánimas, strummed on local instruments like the timple, guitar and triangles.

La Noche de Finaos Malagueñas
La Noche de Finaos Malagueñas

Where to Celebrate
La Noche de Finaos

La Noche de Finaos Vegueta Gran Canaria

Finaos in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Last year I celebrated my first Finaos in Vegueta, the charming, historic center of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Not knowing exactly where the action would be held, we stumbled around the old town until finally we heard the lovely malagueña melodies and smelt the aroma of chestnuts roasting on the open fire.

We followed our senses to Calle López Botas – a side street just off of the well-known Calle Mendizábal where the weekly Tapas Thursday is held. The little road opens up to a tiny plaza just in front of the city hall, and it´s here that the association of the Casco Histórico Vegueta-Triana Unión hosts their annual Finaos celebrations.

This year, the festivities are scheduled to start at 20:00 in the Parque San Telmo, where a small parade of local musicians will lead the way to Calle López Botas, where more than 100 kilos of chesnuts wait to be roasted, relished and washed down with honey rum.

The barrio of San Lorenzo in Las Palmas also hosts quite a good event every year. It’s easy to catch a bus to the San Lorenzo neighborhood and follow your nose to the festivities in the main plaza.

Finaos Around Gran Canaria

Finaos is celebrated throughout the Canarian archipelago, but as Gran Canaria is my sepecialty, I´ll stick with that one.

So far I´ve only experienced Vegueta´s festivities, but my Canarian colegas have recommended that this year I expand my horizons to the more authentic festivities in Santa Brígida, San Mateo or Teror.

While many town hall websites have yet to publish official information on this years´ Finaos festivities (¨mañana¨, in typical Canarian fashion), the following cities have been known to host annual Finaos celebrations. I´ll update this space as more information becomes available.

Agüimes in the southeast of Gran Canaria will be celebrating in the city center from 19:00, with roasted chestnuts and traditional tales to be passed down to the little ones.
Arguineguín celebrated last year at 19:00 in the Plaza Perez Galdos.
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
will be celebrating in the heart of historic Vegueta starting from 20:00.
San Bartolome de Tirajana (near Maspalomas & Playa del Inglés)
Santa Brígida
Santa Maria de Guía at La Plaza de las Huertas.
Tenteniguada and Valsequillo typically do the neighbour thing and celebrate together.
Teror´s festivities come highly recommended. There´s also been known to be festivities in nearby Finca de Osorio.
Vega de San Mateo is apparently one of the best!

Halloween Candy Controversy

blur burning candlelight candles
Photo by on

As the Canarian community works to dust off these traditions and bring Finaos festivities back to the foreground, there´s been a bit of controversy considering the with competition Halloween.

It should come as no surprise that Halloween has begun to creep it´s (skeleton fingers?) into Spain over the years, which is all well and good… except when the date coincides with a local, traditional festival. Especially one that´s meant to celebrate and honor the dead, as opposed to douse oneself with vampire blood and zombie makeup.

While much of the older population is eager to dust off the nearly forgotten Finaos festivities, many of the niños prefer the spooks and ghouls that they see on TV and films. And why not? If I were 10, I´d probably prefer Snickers in my candy sack as opposed to a handful of figs. (For the record, grown up Erica would absolutely go with the figs!).

Globalization is real and with the increased movement of people, cultural icons and overall connectivity, we will have to continue finding a balance to learn and appreciate the new, while honoring and respecting are own histories.

For the last two years, the capital city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria celebrated with a bit of both – little ones trick or treating on Calle Triana, a musical ¨of blood and fire¨ (Don Juan Tenorio) in Plaza Santa Ana and a Finaos procession complete with traditional tune and chestnuts behind the market.

Perhaps compromise is the best way to go?

Which holiday will you be celebrating at the end of October?

From Finaos in the Canaries to Halloween haunts in the states & UK and Día de los Muertos in Mexico, it seems that the autumn equinox and end of harvest season has been inspiration for festivities all around the world. Afterall, it was believed in several ancient cultures that at this time of year, the barrier between the living and the dead in the thinnest than at any other time of year.

What holidays have you celebrated around the world in late October/early November?
What autumn holidays are on your bucket list on the world? I’m still dying to get to Oktoberfest in Munich!
Have you ever celebrated Finaos on any of the Canary Islands?

Click here for more information on events happening in Gran Canaria this October.

And here you can find a full calendar of events for November!


Many thanks to my students and colegas for sharing their Finaos tales with me, and thanks to these blogs for their invaluable info: “En Canarias NO se le celebra Halloween, se celebra la “Fiesta de los Finaos”, tradición canaria,” 2017


20 Comments Add yours

  1. Ketki Gadre says:

    Wow sounds really interesting. Is this tradition something that was portrayed in the movie Coco?


    1. Erica says:

      No Ketki, you´re thinking of Día de los Muertos in Mexico. The holidays are similar in that they´re both connected to the Catholic holiday of All Saint´s Day, but very different in that Day of the Dead stems from an ancient Aztec festival celebrating the goddess Mictecacihuatl. When Spanish conquerers came to Mexico, components of both the Aztec holiday and Catholic holiday were mixed together, bringing us present day Día de los Muertos.


  2. mohanaandaninda says:

    I love learning about new traditions and festivals. I’d never heard about La Noche de Finaos until now! It’s interesting to learn that nuts are the showstopper– who doesn’t like roasted nuts anyways– and the fact that girls run the show. From the photos, I can tell its very lively and traditional. Plus there are live bands!


  3. We’ve never heard of La Noche de Finaos, but from what you tell us here it’s much cooler than Halloween! And giving the kids nuts is definitely way better and healthier than giving them sweets! haha.. The idea to gather together the night before All Saints’ Day and have the mother or grandmother sharing anecdotes with the whole family sounds really nice! Thank for sharing this local tradition!


  4. Karie says:

    I’m always amazed by the different cultures and traditions around the globe. I had not heard about La Noche de Finaos earlier. I really like the idea of the grandmother (or eldest female in the family) being in charge of the tradition. Also, any festival celebrated with family with great food and drink is so lovely. Thanks for sharing


  5. Rhonda Albom says:

    This sounds like a great tradition to re-ignite. And, I love chestnuts. I hope the tradition is not overrun by the Halloween momentum.


  6. Juliette S says:

    What a great celebration and festival to be part of. Your talk of blackened corn and walnuts, almonds, figs and apples is getting my senses going! How delicious. I love the idea of celebrating the dead, I think it’s a nice change from feeling terribly sad all the time.


  7. Anthony says:

    Traditions bind cultures together. One of the best things about travel is you learn about other cultures, their differences and similarities to your own. It is interesting how global seasons have contributed to some timing alignment. This celebration is a nice one, I can almost taste the chestnuts. Thanks for sharing. Keep travel blogging. Adventure is better shared with friends!


  8. Joanne Gillam says:

    I had never heard of La Noche de Finaos. I love visiting new places and learning about their traditional festivals. While kids love Halloween, it’s important that the traditional culture and festivals remain. I think its a great idea to blend the two as they seem to have done but not to the detriment of tradition; only if the two can be celebrated but separated enough that Halloween activities don’t change the traditional cultural festival itself.


  9. Navita says:

    Its amazing when the old traditions come alive again 🙂 La Noche de Finaos sounds like a time of family reunions and feast…like the idea of trick or treat with a protein punch! What fun to be invited to someone’s place and enjoy the elaborate treats! Refreshing and happy read.


  10. Melanie Pitman says:

    La Noche de Finaos sounds awesome! Bring on the chestnuts and roasted corn, how yummy and festive! I’d really love to visit the Canary Islands any time of the year. 😉


  11. Danik says:

    I had never heard of La Noche de Finaos but it sounds totally awesome and something I would love to check out on my next beach vacation to these amazing islands 🙂


  12. arsenalnic says:

    I just love these traditions and it’s so nice to see them being brought back and looked after so they stay alive. Halloween and the culture surrounding that is just associated with America but it’s origins and similar celebrations are seen all over the world and they should be celebrated more, especially in the places where they come from. I also love that food on offer too!


  13. Eric Gamble says:

    what a great cultural re-invigoration for the Canary Islands to bring back the La Noche de Finaos! I am curious why they use a portugese word for fines since Finaos isn’t Spanish at all. But either way, I love how the people pay their fines to help their loved ones in the nether world. I bet the smell of all the roasting nuts combined with the dancing and festivities is amazing to experience in person!


    1. Erica says:

      Finaos is an abbreviation for finados (deceased), as is common in southern Spain and the Canaries to drop the D in words that end in -ado. Nothing to do with fines, just a celebration of the dearly departed.


  14. Delphine says:

    It’s really interesting that traditional festivals are revived. Celebrating the dead is something done in many cultures but in Europe, it’s died down a bit. Halloween is also a European tradition but it’s a victim of its own commercial and US-driven success. You’re right, it’s not the same and the Noche de Finaos should be the one celebrated!


  15. I love learning knew things about cultures — why we travel, right? And you just enlightened me to a tradition I must now experience for myself — La Noche de Finaos. And no surprise really that Halloween is creeping into the corners of the globe. All over Europe we are finding kids going trick or treating when that was NOTHING on their radar decades ago. Globalization is real, often driven by the forces of marketing and the Internet. Interconnectivity like never before. Is it good? Or bad? Or is it simply a natural evolution of culture change?


  16. Yukti says:

    I love to know about different cultures and its festivals. I never knew about La Noche de Finaos which is a Canarian custom, but would love to attend. Hearing the melodious malagueña melodies and smelling the aroma of chestnuts roasting on the open fire would be something unique to do here.


  17. melodytravels says:

    I always learn so many cool things reading your blog posts. 🙂 This looks like a really cool tradition. You had me at roasted corn and chestnuts. The music would be an added bonus.


  18. What I love most about Spanish holidays is the food! My family lived in Madrid for 3 years and there were plenty of occasions to enjoy festivals and holidays and amazing, wonderful food!


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