Ultimate Guide: Apartment Hunting in Tenerife

I´ve lived in the Canary Islands since 2014 and my first home was Tenerife. I´ve lived in both Santa Cruz de Tenerife and in San Cristóbal de La Laguna, and I´ve definitely learned a thing or two about apartment hunting in the islands.

Score Big with 4 Super Bowl Activities for the Classroom

Touchdown!  Score Big with These 4 Super Bowl Activities for the ESL Classroom The 2019 Super Bowl will take place on Sunday, February 3, 2019. To be honest there are very few things in this life I care less about than American football… (Sorry not sorry?? 😏) I suppose that’s why I was banished to…

Teach English in Spain: BEDA Language Assistants

These days, learning English is all the rage in sunny Spain, and between the many English teaching programs out there, almost anyone can find a way in.

I’ve spent 4 years working as an English Language Assistant with BEDA (Bilingual English Development & Assessment).

11 Ways to Overcome Homesickness Abroad

After the anticipation and farewells back home and the buzz and stress of getting started in your new ‘home’, it finally hits you. You’re here alone. Maybe you won the roommate jackpot or were blessed with a coworker that’s taken you under their wing, but if you’re like many brand new expats, this is probably the time that loneliness and homesickness are starting to set in.