ESL Games: Current Events Trivia

Current Events Trivia for the ESL Classroom When it comes to language learning, my main philosophy is that language is meant for communication above all else. Not to take an exam, not to demand perfect grammar at all times and definitely not to practice the present simple vs. the present continuous every single year forever…

BEDA Language Assistant Enrollment Fee: Confirm Your Placement

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been accepted to the BEDA Language Assistant Program in Spain.
Congrats!! Once you’ve received your acceptance letter, you have just 7 days to confirm your placement as a BEDA Language Assistant, so it’s time to act fast!

Teach English in Spain: BEDA Language Assistants

These days, learning English is all the rage in sunny Spain, and between the many English teaching programs out there, almost anyone can find a way in.

I’ve spent 4 years working as an English Language Assistant with BEDA (Bilingual English Development & Assessment).