ESL Games: Current Events Trivia

Current Events Trivia for the ESL Classroom When it comes to language learning, my main philosophy is that language is meant for communication above all else. Not to take an exam, not to demand perfect grammar at all times and definitely not to practice the present simple vs. the present continuous every single year forever…

Teach English in Spain as an Auxiliar de Conversación Language Assistant

Spain is ramping up efforts to improve the nations´ English skills by inviting native English speakers into the classroom, and thousands of young people move to Spain every year to teach English, learn Spanish, explore the beautifully diverse country and of course, drink lots of Spanish wine 🍷.

BEDA Language Assistant Enrollment Fee: Confirm Your Placement

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been accepted to the BEDA Language Assistant Program in Spain.
Congrats!! Once you’ve received your acceptance letter, you have just 7 days to confirm your placement as a BEDA Language Assistant, so it’s time to act fast!

Score Big with 4 Super Bowl Activities for the Classroom

Touchdown!  Score Big with These 4 Super Bowl Activities for the ESL Classroom The 2019 Super Bowl will take place on Sunday, February 3, 2019. To be honest there are very few things in this life I care less about than American football… (Sorry not sorry?? 😏) I suppose that’s why I was banished to…

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: MLK in the ESL Classroom

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: MLK in the ESL Classroom As Language & Culture Assistants in Spain (or wherever you may be teaching abroad), I think one of our most important duties is to share and encourage cultural diversity. Chances are, if you’ve been in Spain over the past few months you’ve seen some things…

Teach English in Spain: BEDA Language Assistants

These days, learning English is all the rage in sunny Spain, and between the many English teaching programs out there, almost anyone can find a way in.

I’ve spent 4 years working as an English Language Assistant with BEDA (Bilingual English Development & Assessment).

Packing Dos & Don’ts for a Year Abroad

My standard packing style usually starts the night before I leave, typically after my despedida (farewell) dinner, and almost always after one-too-many glasses of wine. It’s one thing to rock that laissez faire lifestyle when packing for a month or two, but a year of living abroad is definitely higher stakes, as I learned moving to Spain as an Auxiliar de Conversación.

The Shelter Games: 3 Commandments for Finding a Flat in Spain

Apartment hunting isn’t usually considered fun. Throw in a different language in a different country with different customs and it’s, well, different. Luckily, you’re not the first guiri to make the move to sunny Spain, so save yourself the stress of making all the mistakes yourself and learn from some of ours before you.

Language Assistants in Spain: Getting Ready for the Big Move

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably received your regional placement as a Language Assistant in Spain… congrats! If you’re like most first-time auxiliares, this will be your first time living overseas for more than a just study abroad stint, and let’s just say… it’s different. Different in lots of good ways, and a few stressful ways, but absolutely different.
The truth is, there’s quite a bit that you won’t be able to do until you arrive – finding a piso (apartment) you love, setting up a bank account, securing a Spanish SIM card, etc. There are, however, a few things you can do now to make the transition a whole helluvalot easier when you arrive, and here are my top 3: consulates, cash & communication.